
Movie Opener Final Cut v=6Qlf7QFNT1M One big change we made to our film opening was the removal of any music this way we could add Jovani's voice as a voice over to show what the film was all about.

Peer Reviews

What specific elements of the film opening did you like? Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific) What suggestions do you have for changes? Great intro camera angle and quality commentary going throughout. Were the other two kids against the lonely kid? They could've showed a quick clip at the end with becoming all friends. Some of their camera angles/shots were very interesting and made the film look professional I think the plot is that they bumped into each other in the halls multiple times, and then in detention he stood up for him, but I'm not exactly sure. change some of the transitions, and maybe include more obvious instances of the two main characters being "polar opposites" to make the storyline make more sense I loved the camera angles and the way this was filmed. The beginning shot with the drone was AWESOME. There were...

Film Opener "Polar Opposites"


Editing #2

  Today, we edited the framerate and color corrected the drone shot for the Movie Opener.  Moreover , Luca here is finishing up our last few minutes of editing. In this second photo Luca is adjusting the length of one of our more important clips. 

Editing #1

In these two photos our Editor Luca has a bit of trouble to edit the clips in a way that they all fit the required timeframe for this film opener. Throughout the editing process one of the main obstacles was finding some music that would correlate well to what we are trying to convey in our film and also music where we wouldn't run into any copyright issues.  In this photo Luca is attempting to conjoin the clips in order to have a smooth transition for with the camera angles so the film wouldn't seem augmented and unnatural.

Filming #2

Our second day of filming is when we got a majority of our shots. I was camera man and in the film opening I filmed Jovani, Luca, and Chandler walking into the detention room as a dolly shot. The lighting of the scene was high key from the natural sunlight of the windows which was good to capture the mood of both characters when they make impact. The use of the camera angles would also allow our group to show the viewers the main character and the meaning/theme behind the opener film without giving away any key details.  Moreover, our group used a drone to capture the school as a opener intro for the film.